Audrey Jolly Therapy

Pat Ogden - Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Posted May 17th, 2018 in Mental Health, Depression, Shame

Pat Ogden - Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

In my forth year of psychotherapy training, with the Integral Healing Centre, Toronto in 2004, I presented my final paper and presentation on the topic of healing trauma from a sensorimotor level.

Pat Ogden factored large in my research. She was barely known at that time. I was saying things such as talk therapy will become a thing of the past. A bit extreme as I reflect back on it now because talking to understand and make sense of what's showing up emotionally and physically in the body is important but I am of the 'bottom up' approach to healing versus the 'top or trickle down' approach that you get from a totally talk oriented approach to healing. Now Pat is well known and has online trainings and communities as do many other folks. Here is a sample of free resources she is offering.  Well worth a view.  The quality of the video is a bit poor but the content describes my work to a T. She was and is a great influence in my work. 


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